"The Good Life" Starter Collection (Collar)
$ 100.00
Humans like to say "Live, Laugh, Love." I guess you don't do enough of each. But we dogs know the true fulfillment of the good life : "Eat, Sleep, Poop." What else is there? Okay, maybe play. But we got the top priorities.
Pups vary in breed, so these fine collars come in various sizes and colors. Each collar is crafted from comfortable quality leather.
Charms Include: The Good Life; Kibble Time; Home Sweet Home; High Value Treat
Not sure what size collar your pup needs? Here is some sizing help! The size range listed represents the minimum to maximum circumference range.
12" Collar • 8 - 10.5" (20 - 26.5 cm)14" Collar • 9.75 - 12" (25 - 30.5 cm)16" Collar • 11 - 14" (28 - 35.5 cm)18" Collar • 13.25 - 16" (33.5 - 40.5 cm)20" Collar • 14.5 - 18" (37 - 45.5 cm)22" Collar • 16 - 19.5" (40.5 - 49.5 cm)
(DBM40-0011, DBM40-0024, DBM40-0010, DCM12-0004, DRT)
"The Good Life" Starter Collection (Bracelet)
$ 55.00
Humans like to say "Live, Laugh, Love." I guess you don't do enough of each. But we dogs know the true fulfillment of the good life : "Eat, Sleep, Poop." What else is there? Okay, maybe play. But we got the top priorities.
You can wear our shared memories too! Get this collection to match me or just get this to remember me throughout your day.
Charms Included: The Good Life; Kibble Time; Home Sweet Home
Made with genuine leather and stainless steel clasps.
(DBM40-0011, DBM40-0024, DBM40-0010, HAT30)
Captain Frisbee
$ 15.00
SKU: DCM41-0006
I can soar like a Superhero when you toss that Frisbee for me to catch. All the humans stop and watch in amazement. I time each leap perfectly and snatch that gliding disc from the air like a superstar. I think I'm ready to save the world.
Doggie Diploma
$ 19.00
SKU: DCM40-0030
Come. Sit. Stay. Down. These are tough classes I'm taking. There are fun courses too like fetch, catch, and shake. Of course, I'll do anything to please you... and get a treat. I think I'll work toward my doctorate in Doggie Obedience.
Pee-Mail - Enamel
$ 15.00
SKU: DCM40-0026
The fire hydrant is where I leave my liquid messages and receive the finely nuanced gossip of the neighborhood. Trees and bushes are useful too; but the fire hydrant is a timeless classic. Better than a smartphone.
Bone To Pick
$ 15.00
SKU: DCM40-0025
Usually this phrase means a problem for humans; but for us dogs, a "bone to pick" is the happiest news of all. I love to rest in the cool shade of my doghouse and pick that bone all day. The very picture of canine contentment. Are you jealous?
Rubber Duckie
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM42-0007
Pups and humans love Rubber Duckie, especially at bath time. It's fun to be covered in soapy suds and play with Duckie in the tub. I like to chew and bite my Rubber Duckie. He don't mind. "Rubber Duckie you're so fine..."
Tennis Anyone - Enamel
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM41-0005
Humans like to swat this ball back and forth over a net. Not nearly as fun as racing top speed across an open field to catch this ball on the bounce. Or diving into a lake to retrieve. And why is zero called "love"? Love is the best score.
Doggie Stroller Charm
$ 19.00
SKU: DBM40-0036
This is some classy ride! I love to glide along in this stroller while you jog or walk in the park. Humans stop to pet me where ever we go. My ride has a top or I can go convertible with style. Yeah, my wheels are a chick magnet. (By the way, this is a charm and not an actual stroller.)
Catch Some ZZZ's
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM40-0035
We pups can sleep almost anywhere; but we like soft, cozy spots as much as you. Sofas, cushiony chairs, fluffy rugs, and your bed, of course, are all favorites. I have my own comfy doggie bed too. I'll share if you'll cuddle me.
Peanut Butter Puzzle
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM40-0027
This toy keeps me busy for hours. The outside is rubbery, bouncy, and chewy. My human fills the toy's hollow inside with sweet, sticky peanut butter which I try to reach with my tongue. I'm clever enough to lick this challenge!
Kibble Time - Enamel
$ 15.00
SKU: DBM40-0024
Is it suppertime yet? I'm starving! Can't you see I'm just wasting away for lack of food? I haven't eaten for an hour and that's seven dog hours to me! Hear my tummy growling like a wolf? I'm needin' a feedin'!