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I Believe

$ 15.00

SKU: DCM20-0003
My humans believe in a Higher Power. I believe in my humans. I believe that they love me and will provide for my needs. I believe they know what's best, even when they tell me "No". My trust is the perfect example of faith.

Paris Pooch

$ 15.00

SKU: DBM55-0002
Didn't you notice I bark with a French accent? Oui. I am most cosmopolitan. My palate is very wide-ranging and experimental and I drink only the best mud puddles and toilet water. I've been around the block a few times.

Star Of David

$ 15.00

SKU: DBM21-0001
I know that my human family is Jewish. I see the Mezuzah on the door and their observance of Shabbat. I also wear this Star of David on my collar because my family is proud of their heritage. I try to eat only kosher squirrels.

Guardian Angel

$ 15.00

SKU: DBM20-0006
Dear Lord, please send your angel to protect my humans while they're away. I don't know where they go every day, but I miss them and I worry. Keep them safe and bring them home again soon. I can't work the can opener myself.

Angel Pup

$ 15.00

SKU: DBM20-0005
I'm your little angel. I can do no wrong. Okay, maybe I DO make messes or chew on stuff or eat things that aren't edible. But when I look at you with puppy eyes or cover your face with my juicy kisses, I get my halo back.

My Saviour

$ 19.00

SKU: DBM20-0002
My human family wears the symbol of the Christian cross to daily remind them of God's love and His sacrifice. I also wear a cross. It reminds me that I too was saved, and I am loved unconditionally.